Monday, June 1, 2020

First Report

An Introduction to the DDMP

The Destroyer's Data Mining Project (DDMP) is an anti-propaganda, anti-disinformation website. Hosted by 'Occupy Hades' at, the DDMP is home to three separate ops. PSYOP focuses on U.S. politics, OpFukushima on climate change & the environment, and OpHyacinth focuses on the rights, health and welfare of children across the planet.

Founded in April 2011, the DDMP was first activated on October 11, 2011 for the purpose of mitigating the effects of misinformation targeting the Occupy Wall Street movement. Designed for social media combat in the age of weaponized information, the DDMP also consists of two swarms: The Swarm & The Swarm (401). The former is always on the 'attack' while the latter compiles information gathered by the other ops.

Guantanamo-on-the-Styx is a separate social media concept that was created to seek out the root causes of evil in our society by avoiding and destroying the 'labels' used by mainstream media to confuse and mislead the general public. My mother, after she left the Catholic Church, used to say "Satan isn't responsible for everything that goes wrong in the world. He has help."

In conclusion, the purpose of the DDMP is to gather information that will uncover the 'Agents of Satan.' Our motto: 'We'll dig up all of your dirt 'til we're at the bottom of you.'